Thursday, March 26, 2015

Protect those tender plants!

Spring has arrived! Daffodils are in full bloom, new growth is showing on shrubs, plants are emerging from hibernation and gardeners are anxious to get out and play in the dirt. Keep in mind, tender plants are still at risk for frost bites and freezing. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, the average date for the last freeze of the season in our zone (7 a) is April 7. If you absolutely must put some plants in the ground, keep something handy to cover them and keep a watch on the weather forecast. We like this idea posted on the Extension Master Gardener Facebook page.

Those plastic zipper bags that come with bedspreads and linens can make great temporary greenhouses. Remember to allow for air circulation.
'Those plastic zipper bags that come with bedspreads and linens can make great temporary greenhouses. Remember to allow for air circulation.'

It is best to wait a few weeks before planting plants like tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and others that need warm soil to grow. The University of Kentucky Extension Service recommends setting out these transplants when the soil reaches 70 degrees. For more information download a copy of Home Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky. The publication is also available for free at the McCracken County Extension Office, 2705 Olivet Church Road in Paducah.