Monday, July 27, 2015

Let’s learn about Honey Bees!

Beekeeper, Jim Gould will present a program on the importance of honey bees as pollinator of food crops at the August 4 Master Gardener Toolbox. Mr. Gould will be discussing the history of beekeeping to include the importation of honeybees to the Western Hemisphere. 

He will discuss the beekeeper’s calendar (monthly management suggestions), beekeeping equipment, beekeeping habitat, and most importantly, how to become a beekeeper.  He will also offer an overview of pests and discuss the urban beekeeping trend, and, bee safety.  Beekeeping equipment will be available for hands-on inspection.

The presentation will be at 5:00 p.m. at the McCracken County Cooperative Extension Office, 2705 Olivet Church Road in Paducah. There is no fee and no advanced registration required. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Mason Bees Rock!

by Master Gardener, Brenda Johnson

That BUZZ is excitement about a fantastic little pollinator Osmia Lignaria a.k.a. the Orchard Mason Bee, Blue Orchard Bee, Orchard Bee and Mason Bee, a North American native pollinating bee.  They are members of the genus Osmia that carry pollen on their bellies rather than on their hind legs and they nest in holes. They are one of 140 species of Osmia in North America (4000 species of native bees) and are so efficient at pollinating native crops that they are one of the native bees being managed in agriculture.   Insufficient doses of pollen can result in reduced seed set and undesirable shaped fruits.

Why are they called Mason bees? When building their nests, Mason bees use clay to make partitions and to seal the entrance. This unique mud-building behavior leads to their common designation as masons.

Mason bees are about the same size as a honeybee though smaller and are a dark metallic blue, not striped brown and orange like the honeybee. When in flight they may be mistaken for a black fly.  Look closely, flies don’t have antennae, bees do.  They are about ½ inch long: females about .55 inch, males about .43 inches long.

No need to fear, male Mason bees have no stingers and having no queen to protect and all of the females are fertile, they’re not aggressive.  Only females can sting, though not likely, since the sting is modified from egg-laying structures. Should there be an incident, her sting is more similar to a mosquito bite than your average bee sting.

Being solitary, like most native bees means that each one tends to its own brood, instead of having a queen and worker bees. However, they build their nests together with others of their kind, much like our apartment living. They will also nest in other locations such as hoses, bamboo, abandoned pipes or holes left by other boring insects.  Females generally create seven to eleven cells per nest.

One can make fancy houses or use untreated lumber (4”x6”) or any piece of wood into a nesting block. Holes can be drilled in the wood on 3/4 “centers and should be 4-8" deep, not going completely through to back side.  Drilling holes smaller than a 5/16” diameter tends to produce a higher number of male bees.  Increase sanitation with use of parchment paper or other types of liners to line the holes, just don’t use plastic.  Paper lining can be removed each season to prevent the buildup of fungi and bacteria.
If using PVC pipe filled with paper straws, bamboo, or tubing, the back ends need to be sealed so no invaders can get in through the back door. Masons will occupy paper tubes or paper straws used the previous year. Regardless of style, nests need to be placed on a south-facing garage, house, or garden shed wall with the cavities tilted downward to limit collecting water.  Wind is also a hazard so a secure mount is needed to keep eggs or young larvae from falling out and young babies would be too weak to crawl back inside.

Early spring is prime time to set out your nests.  Mason bees are active in the early spring and summer, mid-March to late May or early June, the time when most of the fruit trees are in bloom.   During this time, female mason bees spend their days buzzing around, gathering pollen and nectar from flowers within a short distance from their nest, about 300 ft. (100 yds.).  This mixture of pollen and nectar becomes the food, “dough ball” that is placed in each chamber for the new egg.  When the right amount of food has been placed in the chamber the female backs in and lays a single egg into the “dough ball”. Then she partitions the cell with a mud wall and starts all over again repeating the action until she has filled the entire tube.  When the female is adding her final mud plug, she’ll go around and around the opening as she works to close the egg chamber, then flies away looking for another hole.

Individual pheromones help them identify their own hole so if she accidentally goes into another bee’s hole, she will quickly back out and find the correct nest.
The first brood cells that the Mason bee makes (those that are furthest back) will develop into female bees, while the ones closer to the entrance will become males. Thus the males emerge first, anywhere from a few days to a few weeks before the females. They spend their time foraging for nectar to build up their strength and buzzing around the nest waiting for the females to emerge. During this time, they do a bit of pollinating but the real contribution made is mating with the females.  Once all the females have been mated, the males die then it is center stage with an all-girl show.  Brood nest building is totally up to the female.

Bees also suffer from predators, and the brood closer to the entrance would be the first to become candy-like food to certain species of flies and wasps that chew through the plugs.  In this way a hungry invader is likely to eat the sacrificial males only and leave the girls safe and sound but sometimes, females often intentionally leave the first cell empty.  As in the world of bees and other species it is all about protecting the females and only a few males need to survive to mate the next spring.  Predators are more apt to take down a nest before a disease can.

The best way to avoid predators is to store the nest in a garage or shed at the end of the active period.  This will give the bee’s added protection from predators and parasites, yet will allow them the needed cold temperatures to break hibernation. If desired, bee emergence can be delayed for a short period by refrigerating the block in the spring until you are ready for the bees to emerge. Bees will need three days to warm up following refrigeration.

Mud, mud, mud is a must have.  It is vital for the ladies to have a mud area available, meaning an open place with no mulch and no grass. Clay soil works best, so no sandy or highly amended soil. It is best to keep the mud area a small distance from the nest so weak emerging bees can’t fall into it.
Pollen, pollen, pollen is another must have.  Mason bees will move to other areas if there isn’t enough pollen in your yard.  Flowers with colors such blue, purple, and yellow (clover and dandelions) are desirable along with the big-leaf maples.  Be on alert to which plants your bees like to visit.  Perhaps you currently have some of the following plants.

  •    Trees and Shrubs:  Eastern Redbud, Apple, Currant, Gooseberry, Roses (early blooming, singlevarieties are best), Raspberry, Blackberry, Willow, Plum, Peach, Nectarine, and Viburnums.
  •        Perennials and Annuals:  Strawberry, Geranium, Wildflower, Dandelion (mow them while fruit trees are in bloom – you really want them working your fruit and flowers not the lawn).        

Another note, native plants attract native bees, whereas exotic plants attract non-native species.
By autumn, Mason bees have laid their eggs in the nest and they are developing stage by stage.  At this point no bee tends the brood.  The egg hatches and the larva eats the stored food of pollen and nectar, develops on its own, and spins a cocoon, then hibernates in a larval stage known as the prepupa and waits for the first warm days of spring to emerge in your garden. 

When scouting out your garden for these iridescent, metallic dark blue jewels, remember you can develop a partnership.  Your garden can be a Buzz with excitement year after year as long as the bees have sufficient shelter and food, plus you get great fruit and fantastic gardens.  MASON BEES ROCK because they are the best little pollinators.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Think Irises 2016!

Remember the beautiful irises last spring? Did you wish you had more to enjoy? Did yours not bloom as proficiently as in the past? Did your neighbor have one that you coveted? 

Well now is the time to think Irises in 2016! Now is the time to plant irises for next spring’s bloom.

Irises should be planted where they will receive at least 6-8 hours of sun a day. They should be shallow planted. Work the soil until it is loose, plant the rhizomes about 4-inches deep, keeping the top of the rhizome exposed or covered very lightly. Water thoroughly and top dress with a low nitrogen fertilizer. The rhizomes should be dug and divided every 3-5 years to encourage blooming. An added bonus, the divided rhizomes produce more plants! Do not cut the foliage until it dies back in the fall. Do not over fertilize; it is best to use a low nitrogen fertilizer after spring blooming.

More information on growing these beautiful flowers can be found on the American Iris Society website and as well as on The Old Farmer’sAlmanac website.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Herb Appeal III – Beyond the Plate

By Carol Ullerich, Extension Master Gardener

Herb Appeal, an annual luncheon and lecture hosted and prepared by Extension Master Gardeners (EMGs), is scheduled for Thursday, July 16 at 11:45 a.m. at the McCracken County Cooperative Extension Service at 2705 Olivet Church Road.  This year’s version features a healthy combination of familiar foods complimented by a quintet of herbs—rosemary, savory (2015’s herb of the year), thyme, dill and mint.  “Beyond the Plate” refers to the non-culinary use of herbs for crafts, medicine, cleaning and more. 
Lunch service begins promptly at 12:00 p.m.  Only 60 tickets at $20.00 apiece are being sold.  They may be purchased by check at the McCracken County Cooperative Extension Service.  Call 270-554-9520 for details.  
This is the third time EMGs have partnered with Laura Duff of A Pampered Palate Catering to develop the luncheon menu.  Under Duff’s direction, EMGs will prepare the bulk of the meal with each dish featuring one or more herbs.  According to Duff, there’s no downside to adding fresh herbs to a meal—you stimulate and satiate your palate simultaneously without adding extra salt, sugar or fat.    
Midtown Market will again provide fresh ingredients for the luncheon.  Since launching his urban food store at 3000 Broadway, Andy Carloss has made great strides in providing organic, locally grown produce to area shoppers.  Initially, he sought local growers to develop his inventory; now local farmers seek to do business with him. 

Herb Specialist Linda Caviness is this year’s featured speaker.  She will highlight the lesser-known medicinal properties of culinary herbs—qualities that bring “healing to the mind, body or spirit; hopefully all three.”   Gardening has been a serious passion for Caviness since the early seventies when she came to Kentucky from Los Angeles.  Newly retired from the Marshall County Library in Hardin, Kentucky, she has big plans for the future.  One of her first priorities is building a greenhouse so she can propagate her own herbs.  While already growing most of her own herbs in raised beds and containers, she occasionally must buy harder to find herbs from other sources. 
While herbs benefit from frequent pruning, Caviness snips only when the plants need it or she needs what the plants are producing.  She uses her harvest for cooking and medicinal concoctions she prepares herself.  Lavender, lemon balm, mint and chamomile are constants in her garden.  Deeming herself a self-taught gardener, Caviness gathered her knowledge of growing herbs from several sources—her grandmother, mother, older friends, neighbors, books, classes, and lots of trial and error.   
Mason Bee House
Caviness will be followed by Brenda Johnson, an EMG, who will share facts about the cultivation of Orchard and Mason bees to improve pollination of early spring fruit flowers in the wake of a decrease in honeybees.  Oblivious to their existence a few months ago, Johnson is now fascinated by them. 
Herb Topiary 
Handmade Mason bee houses will be available for purchase in the boutique that will open after the meal.  Other items available in the boutique include herbs, bird feeders and bird houses, jewelry, topiaries, glass totem poles, and small wheelbarrows planted with herbs.
New Name; Same Mission
Preparing to move to a new campus that is currently under construction, the Purchase Area Master Gardener Association (PAMGA), has recently changed its name to McCracken County Extension Master Gardeners.  Herb Appeal III-Beyond the Plate is a fundraiser for the University of Kentucky Demonstration & Trial Garden on Coleman Road in Paducah.  The garden is an outdoor classroom featuring trial beds, a vegetable garden, a small orchard, vineyard and greenhouse.
EMGs have more than just green thumbs – they are trained in all phases of horticulture by the University of Kentucky and Kentucky State University through the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.  Upon completing formal training and passing a written exam, they volunteer their time to assist the McCracken County Horticulture Extension Agent in advising home gardeners.

Educating the gardening public—both adults and children—is the primary focus of EMGs.  The mission is accomplished by staffing a booth at the local Farmer’s Market; sponsoring a standard flower show at the McCracken County Fair each June; operating a telephone hotline for gardening questions during the growing season; offering a free monthly toolbox series on a vast array of gardening topics the first Tuesday of each month; and, maintaining a Speaker’s Bureau.  The local centerpiece of their work is the Demo & Trial Garden for which Herb Appeal III-Beyond the Plate is the sole fundraiser.