Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Song of the Cicadas

How much longer will we have to listen to “the song of the cicadas?” According to the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, the periodical cicadas begin to emerge when the ground temperature reaches 64°, usually in late April or early May. It takes about 3 weeks for all of them to come out. They will stay active thru June. Good news,
Cicada molting at Doctors Park in Calvert City, KY
Photo by Holly Walker
this is the 13-year species and will not appear again until 2028. The 17-year species is not prominent in our area.

While cicadas are not harmful to humans, livestock or pets, they can damage young trees and woody landscape plants. The UK Cooperative Extension Service advises against planting new orchards and landscape plants until after the periodical cicada activity as ended for the season. Young trees should be protected with netting or cheesecloth which can be removed after the activity has stopped.

More information is available on the UK CooperativeExtension website.  Publication ENTFACT-446, Periodical Cicadas in Kentucky can be picked up at the McCracken County Cooperative Extension Office, 2705 Olivet Church Road in Paducah.