Thursday, July 16, 2015

Think Irises 2016!

Remember the beautiful irises last spring? Did you wish you had more to enjoy? Did yours not bloom as proficiently as in the past? Did your neighbor have one that you coveted? 

Well now is the time to think Irises in 2016! Now is the time to plant irises for next spring’s bloom.

Irises should be planted where they will receive at least 6-8 hours of sun a day. They should be shallow planted. Work the soil until it is loose, plant the rhizomes about 4-inches deep, keeping the top of the rhizome exposed or covered very lightly. Water thoroughly and top dress with a low nitrogen fertilizer. The rhizomes should be dug and divided every 3-5 years to encourage blooming. An added bonus, the divided rhizomes produce more plants! Do not cut the foliage until it dies back in the fall. Do not over fertilize; it is best to use a low nitrogen fertilizer after spring blooming.

More information on growing these beautiful flowers can be found on the American Iris Society website and as well as on The Old Farmer’sAlmanac website.